Wednesday, June 13, 2007

On a roll....

I'm so happy that I've been feeling the flow lately! In between the constant phone calls today I got this LO done for the One Little Word Challenge. I love doing portrait of Joe. He's so photogenic and I always get so much emotion from him even when we do a quick session. This is one of the shots I did back in May but it's one of my favorites!

Now off to get ready for the mini-Glamour party tonight!


  1. Love the layout! I'm just discovering 'adorn', thanks for the links!

  2. Very sweet! I like the little black asterisk looking thing above his name!

  3. again...WOW. Mere, you are really developing a great style. Please don't forget us in Indiana when you are famous :)

  4. Great job!! Just getting around to surfing around to all of the OLW challenge layouts. So fun!!
