Thursday, August 23, 2007


Since coming back from NYC I've been totally into music again. Music has been such a huge part of my life. My parents have always been really into music - especially my dad who has introduced me to so much great music and normally knows what's hot before I do! Plus, I trained in music for so long. I starting with grade school band (yup I'm a band geek), then vocal training, musical theatre, and dance in high school. Then I went to Columbia College of Chicago for musical theatre and then even after transferring from there to Purdue I never planned to stop being involved with music.

For so long I wasn't listening to anything at all new, which is actually kind of scary when I think about it! Since owning my own business I have retreated into my comfy playlists and old CD's, and kind of isolated myself from anything new.

So MUSIC is one of the big reasons why I am so stoked to move back to the city. I don't know how involved in music I will become again. I do know that hearing how music is growing, how all of the styles of music are constantly being revived and evolve, really makes me sing more than I have in a long time (and dance too). And anyone who has ever been close to me knows - when I'm singing I'm happy! So I'm going with the flow and won't assume anything about my life right now.

What this does mean is that I'm now on the constant lookout for NEW music!

Joe showed me this video today by Justice and I think it rocks. Justice is a French electro/house band and won the MTV Europe Best Video Award (you know when Kayne West got all upset! LOL.) Anyway, I'm a huge notebook doodler & T-Shirt fan so this video is like crazy inspiring...


1 comment:

  1. LOVE music...DH just bought me an mp3 player so I can listen to tunes while out at the barn, gardening, or whatever. It sure keeps one motivated and moving!! :D
