Tuesday, March 18, 2008

*music* tuesday...

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week...


Because I'm lame that's why! And I'm totally addicted to this season of American Idol. I really have a love-hate relationship with the show. As a former (ahem - sorry needed to clear my throat there, lol) singer I struggle each and every week with those girls and boys. Joey laughs at me because as they sing I make these ridiculous faces as I will them to get back on pitch or to stay strong on that final blasted note. I think this season has so much young young talent that just needs a bit more maturing - but a few of the singers are just right on and I know will go major far.

Oh - and did you see who was hanging out on the Rosie cruise...

Anyway... so I'm not really into just Top40 pop, which is why some years AI annoys me, but it seems this year I'm right there every Tuesday. So in honor of tonight's show (or in spite of it, who knows...) I thought I would share the latest on my ITunes list and wishlist.

*Gnarls Barkley*

New Album... not out yet... get it on itunes... shhhhh - it's AMAZING!

*Panic at the Disco*

They dropped the "PANIC!" so maybe they are chilling out a bit. Pretty Odd comes out soon and the only single I've heard really is 'Nine in the Afternoon' - so I'm undecided as so how much I love it. But I'm so in love with their first album and the lead singers voice so I'm crossing my fingers for some magic.

and the wildcard for any electronic junkies out there...

our newest favorite record company... mixing everything I love right now... art... typography... video...

*Ed Banger Records*

If you don't like the music - you can at least appreciate the art! lol....

So anything new I'm not listening to that I should be? Let me know!


p.s. Just wanted to add that the video company that produced that is called 75 Music. French, but we won't hold that against them, lol. Very cool company and Jonas & Francois are amazing directors. They did the Justice D.A.N.C.E. video, Kanye West's Good Life video, and are currently working on one for Madonna too. Check them out...