Sunday, December 13, 2009

anthro top 5. gifts.

even though i'm no longer part of the anthroplogie team i still get their catalogs and am in love with the stores and product. so i thought it would be fun to still include a couple of top 5's each month. and since this month is christmas i decided to share my current top 5 gifts from the december catalog! (hint hint, lol)

1. clothbound penguin classics

these are so gorgeous. Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility, Great Expectations, Wuthering Heights, and a ton more.

2. felted soaps

these smell so good! make great stocking stuffers!

3. watch-my-drink coasters

too cute.

4. monsters of the household variety

this book is huge, expensive, but so amazing. each page is beautifully illustrated, stitched, beaded. it's actually in the november catalog but we got one into the store before i left and i had to share it because it's just so great!

5. tree trunk mugs

love these too.

there was another decoration i was searching for but couldn't find online. they are these amazing reindeer made with multi-colored rope. i think they are one-of-a-kind's so you'll have to check out a store to see them. maybe if i head into a store before i leave for home i'll get a shot of them to share.

that's all for now. have a great sunday!

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