Thursday, April 15, 2010

10 questions. via rachel!

one of my favorite bloggers rachel denbow posted a little 10 question survey so i decided to play along tonight while waiting for joey to get home (and while letting my sore thumbs rest a minute from a crochet marathon!)

1. When do you feel happiest?

when i'm hanging out or working with my joey, hanging out in the city with kristi, anytime i get to be with my friends + family (in about 7 weeks i have a feeling that anytime with my little abby is going to be added to the list!)

2. How do you take care of yourself?

by always learning new crafts and exploring my creativity.
lush goodness. love to pamper.

my favorites are:

massage therapy bar: #1 reason why i don't have any stretch marks!

fair trade foot lotion:
he PERFECT solution to nasty city summer feet for those of us addicted
to sandals & flip flops... also great for hot swollen preggo feet i've found.

running to the embassy bar: again great for summer feet!
i keep mine in the fridge so it stays nice and cool for my home pedi time!

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated?

probably both. i'm constantly trying to push myself to learn and try new things. probably to a fault because i overwhelm myself with new projects. but my family also motivates me and believe in me always.

4. What do you do for fun?

explore nyc. love the beach. walks with my pups. travel. make stuff.

5. What intimidates you?

my overwhelming to do list and life goals... haha.

6. What is something you're proud of?

carrying my first baby. i can't believe how much i've loved this pregnancy and how beautifully this experience has influenced my relationship and whole life.

7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________.

say never.

8. Favorite vacation spot.

i met my husband there and feel like my heart will forever be in the islands.

9. Today is a (rate from 1 - 10).

7... got a lot of my new project completed but still feeling sick.
working on not letting the cold affect me.

10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know _____________.

i'm wicked excited about becoming a mom!

that last one was hard. i'm interested to ask joe that last one about me and see what he would say. i feel like the two things i answered it with you would know even if you didn't know me REALLY well. haha.

have a good night!

*edit* ok so i realized today where i heard the infinitely curious bit... john mayer says it about jay-z in the commercial for a absolut doc. not that i'm NOT infinitely curious... just thought it was a little too subliminal and weird that i incorporated it.

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