Tuesday, November 16, 2010


28. i can't believe how fast 27 flew by... i'm sure it had something to do with being pregnant with abby and all the business to get ready for her arrival. last year i didn't do a list of what i wanted to accomplish - well strike that i did several lists of what i needed to accomplish, but nothing just for me and official.

so here it is. everything i really want to do and create in my life before next year.

1. throw a picnic party in central park
2. give 10 handmade gifts
3. refab the nightstand dresser for abby's room
4. 2011 weekly gratitude journal
5. finish abby's quilt
6. take a midwest flea/vintage road trip with my mom
7. learn to (really) crochet
8. start an art/inspiration wall
9. open an etsy store
10. take a trip to new orleans
11. see a broadway show
12. make abby some dresses/jumpers
13. 100 scrapbook pages (at least!)
14. walk the brooklyn bridge
15. get new glasses
16. make a huge granny square throw
17. take more photos of joe & myself
18. grow something
19. take a trip to california
20. make sushi at home
21. read at least one book each month
22. send snail mail to 5 friends
23. go to a taping of late night
24. volunteer
25. fill an art/inspiration journal
26. take more walks with abby & the pups
27. get back in shape
28. redefine my personal style

it's a little late in the game but i'm also going to try to stick to accomplishing 4 simple goals inspired by this project. there are a few things i want to get done before we enter 2011.

1. send out christmas cards. this has been a goal of mine since joey and i got married but i can never seem to get it done or even started on time. now with our family growing by one i dream of sending out a family holiday photo each year to our friends and family. i'm crossing my fingers that we'll have time to get a photo done by mr. charles dudley while we are in naples this next week to send out!

2. redesign the blog. it's way late in coming. i put up the text blog banner several months ago expecting it to be totally temporary. i've been mulling over the redesign and new direction of this blog for months and it's time to start fresh in the new year.

3. make abby toy storage... we already are overwhelmed with the amount of toys this little lade has. i LOVE this toy box from wooli on etsy.

4. start abby's 1st year scrapbook. i've been collecting supplies since she was born but other obligations have kept me from getting it started. i'm using this book from elle's studio as inspiration, i love the clusters and layering.

so lots to do in the coming weeks! those goals, plus decorating for abby's first christmas. saturday we are leaving for a road trip down to florida for thanksgiving to see the taylor's and our naples friends. it's going to be a much needed and appreciated vacation.


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