Tuesday, July 26, 2011

sick day.

hello friends.
sorry i don't have something amazing and wonderful to share today... little miss and i are feeling everything but amazing and wonderful. its the same old story... daddy works really hard for two weeks straight with no breaks and super long nights. daddy and his coworkers develop a slight cough and general ickyness and daddy brings it right home to us. no matter what we do we get it. we wash our hands, are careful not to share glasses or too many kisses with daddy, take extra vitamins, eat fruit, drink lots of fluids... but we still get sick (and have a million extra diapers to boot!)

today both abby and i started feeling it pretty hard and by the end of the day were both totally drained of energy. we had some good moments... lots of playtime... lots of cuddles while watching yo gabba gabba, fraggle rock, and random gordon ramsey shows. i had a few brief episodes where i felt motivated to get started on a real task but trying to figure out "what to do next" made my head hurt.

little miss had a super hard time getting to sleep tonight... and her frantic cries only made her throat worse. in the end a little pear snack and the chance to be awake when daddy came home was all it took to usher her off into dreamland. and now it's time for mommy to follow!

i hope all is well in your worlds and that you are having a great week! i'm hoping we are all feeling better by tomorrow so that we can be a little more productive... the original plan today was to take a few snapshots of the happy places in our home to share as part of mrs. rachel denbow's {smile and wave} photo challenge but as i obviously took a sick day it will have to wait until tomorrow.



  1. aw, sorry to hear you are feeling puny, but I love the photo. Hope you perk up soon!
