Thursday, November 3, 2011

woah october.

talk about a busy lightening fast month.

i had no idea october was going to fly by like it did. i guess i should have though... between preparing the house for fall and holiday decor, a visit from each grandma, and some crazy work weeks for joey we were constantly running, adding things to the to do list, and recovering from the fun.

we didn't get out to the orchard as planned... mostly because our weekends were filled with fun with the grandmas. first my mom & sister came to visit...

the weather was amazing for their visit. the first day we hung around midtown/central park. it was in the 80s and warm enough to let abby play in the sprinklers at the playground. she had a blast!

joey had the weekend off so we headed in to check out the progress down at world trade. we bumped into the occupy wall street people and made our way up through soho (with a quick stop for sushi!) and the west village before meeting up with my sister for a bit in between her conference activities...

we visited with her at The Meadow to pick up some Fresco Chocolate... 

the shop is really cute. i totally spaced taking photos of the outside as i juggled socializing, chasing after abby, and keeping her from tearing all of the chocolate bars off the shelves. The Meadow sells chocolate, gorgeous flowers, and salts. lovely! 


the weather was so gorgeous that we decided to end our afternoon with a walk on the highline. 


it was incredibly crowded because it was so nice out. it did not at all feel like october! indian summer at it's best!

little miss was in great spirits enjoying her time with grandma & daddy... blowing kisses all around!

then nonna (joe's mom) came to visit for a few days... the weather was getting to be more fallish and pretty windy so we only went into the city for a few hours to visit central park and see some of daddy's friends who were also in town.

abby & nonna borrowed another little one's car stroller for a bit. she loved it so i guess my little girl who loves building and cars and hates dresses will be needing one of these soon.


the rest of the visit was spent with nonna in hoboken where she was staying. i got some much needed mommy-alone-time. it was a very nice weekend off for me. while i had the time i got going on abby's halloween costume. i'll share it, and my complete fail, a bit later in some halloween posts. ugh. i can't even think about it yet without wanting to jump into a time machine or call a do-over.

we had one last weekend before halloween to get in some of the family fun that we had been putting off so far this season and bam... snow. nor'easter.

we went from 80ยบ playing with abby in the sprinklers at central park... to snow... in october.

thankfully it was all melted again by halloween. joey was off monday so he went to abby's halloween party at the little gym with us. it was a good time but another costume tantrum erupted just before we left for the party so we opted to wear halloween-themed attire instead to keep little miss happy.


and then poof! just like that it was november!

i'm very happy with how our fall is going so far and really excited for the holidays coming up. we are putting our tree up much earlier than we have before, and are going to be starting some november traditions within our little family that i'm excited about. i feel like we haven't had a holiday with just the three of us yet so we are taking november 2011 off just to be together, regroup, and remember why this time of year is so important and special.


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