Wednesday, March 28, 2012

wednesday wip: easter swatches + a new underwater friend.

hello friends. 
whew. what. a. wednesday.

today has been a little crazy but why waste time being stressed when there are so many beautiful spring projects on my table just waiting to lift my spirits? 

the first half of this week was devoted to getting my "baby's first" ripple blanket as far as i could... i need to buy more blue but still have plenty of the other colors so i finished the color sequence until i hit the next blue stripe and will now be putting it away until after easter. the blanket is pretty thick so i know there is no chance little miss will need it for awhile. besides she adores the blanket my aunt ellen made her and won't sleep or cuddle with anything else at the moment. 

one great thing about today... i got my order of rattle noise makers in! (see them up there ↑) that means i can start on the newborn sets that i've been dreaming up. so happy.

i bought 3 skeins of purple, turquoise, and yellow yarn from ebay a few weeks ago (for crazy cheap) because they jumped out at me as a possible easter project for little miss. i'm not sure what i'm going to do yet so i started some swatches just to see how the colors stitched up. right now i'm flip flopping between a basket or satchel for finding eggs at grandma's, a little bunny foo foo puppet, a larger amigurumi bunny for her basket, a jumper for easter dinner at great grandma's. i may have to knit up a couple of swatches too... hmm decisions decisions.

my final wip on the hook at the moment is my next sea creature squishie. i'm working on a whale with the Alpaca Love in Lake that i picked up earlier this month. i'm a little farther than is actually pictured here... i can't wait to share him all finished!

well that's what's "on my hook" at the moment. i'm kind of missing a few of my other crafts so i may be switching gears a bit this weekend. i have some sewing projects that keep whispering to me that they are still patiently waiting to be worked on so it may be time to fire up the singer ♥

what are you working on this week? if you'd like to see more wednesday wips be sure to head over to Tami Ami's blog and check out the link list... if you have a blog and some wips to share you can add your link too!


p.s. don't forget that you have until midnight tonight to enter my Mini Fishie Giveaway!


  1. I recognise that ebay yarn! I got some a while back! Such a bargain, and yours is such beautiful colours!!

  2. I LOVE all of your spring projects! And can't wait to see your whale :)
