Tuesday, April 17, 2012

at the zoo: summer in april?

yesterday we took little miss to the bronx zoo...

it. was. hot. like middle of summer hot. in. april.
(did you notice the resident alpaca had just gotten a good shear?)
but we had a great time.

little miss loved the children's zoo, the trees, the water features, and having lots of space to run. joey loved chasing her all over the place. and i loved seeing my two favorites play and laugh together. it got a little too hot for most of the big animals after lunch, but little miss was more interested in exploring the different environments than in trying to find the actual animals in their various states of rest anyway. it was a good day.

more soon. slowly getting us back on track here... i'm finally coming out of a two week vacation/spring head cold haze and am eager to make things! so much on my list and now that it's truly spring in the city there is a lot to explore... love love this time of year. we are hoping for some solid spring (i.e. not 90 degree) weather weekends to hit up a few more nyc zoos, the aquarium, and maybe even a trip to asbury park before summer hits us head on! what are your plans for the spring months?


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