Thursday, June 7, 2012

may got away...

hi there.

may flew by and it's been rather quiet here on the blog...

the past few weeks have been focused on projects which aren't for the public eye yet and with little miss changing the rules of the house up again my work-rate has slowed to a turtle's pace. according to my little (almost) 2 year old mommy can no longer be on the computer or crochet during the waking hours. in fact the crocheting can't even be out in view or it's reclaimed as more balls to throw to her Roxy. all of that means the blog takes a back burner to other things during naptime and bedtime... but i'll get caught up again and one of these days schedule posts so i share more consistently.

i wouldn't change a single thing about may despite how quickly it flew by. we had so many gorgeous days lending to lots of park time, city excursions, and trips out for ice cream! over april and may we visited the bronx zoo, prospect park & zoo, central park zoo, and the new york aquarium... we are doing our best to wear out this year's WCS membership.

although i could say i've been mostly unplugged the past few weeks we did get a new toy...

i pretty much love it and i wish i could say it was mine. it's not. it belongs with my beloved so he can work on nuke tutorials and other things while he's at work. i get visitation rights on the weekends though and will be using instagram on it a lot more in the coming weeks because while the camera on the new ipad might not be as good as the iphone camera it is much better than my crappy 1st gen android phone camera that can't be replaced for another year (why would i pay $700 for a nice new phone when i could just get another ipad... not that we are thinking about getting a second ipad, well at least he's not).

so anyway... there isn't a whole lot to catch up on but i am looking forward to getting back in the blogging mood. little miss has a birthday coming up next week that i'm preparing for, and i want to start blogging a little more about parenting and kids than i have been in the past. all good things and i appreciate ya'll hanging in there with me!          


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