so i know i've been awful.
doing absolutely anything for me, or about me,
or just me has taken a serious back seat lately.
and i'm over it.
i know i owe a big explanation.
or actually, i guess i don't.
but i'll give one nonetheless.
anthro is anthro.
my dream job is a bit lacking, and technically i'm no where near my real "dream" position at anthro... so i think i've given it up a bit and am just living with my "reality" job until i can start doing something that's really a true reflection of my talents, potential, and experience. at least i'm surrounded by pretty things every day. and that i can at least still appreciate.
portraitbug is getting done. we are all so ready to get into the space it's ridiculous. i just want to see it done and open. i want to see everyone's hard work up on the walls, merch done, and smiling scrappers creating beautiful memory art in our studio space. it'll happen. for now our blog is rockin' and we are in the middle of 7 days of giveaways. our online store is open so check it out.
i'm reading a lot lately again. which is nice. currently working on...

i've laughed out loud twice on the train.
people across from me thought i was nuts - and i am.
if you are a pop culture fanatic you need this book.
joey and i spent a day over at the rock last weekend...

so really. to sum up.
work. walking.
not creating nearly enough.
but it's a new month right?
oh yeah... when is fall supposed to happen again?
because it's way too hot... and i'm yearning for some sweater weather.
I know you must be super busy with the store and everything, but I miss seeing you here!!! You are so inspirational!!! Hope everything is well!!
Ahhh, Mere, it's October now! Love Ya and WTG with your SB career!
Okay Mere its December now! Enjoy your first Christmas in the city. It is a magical place at this time of the year.
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