it was a busy weekend trying to get the nursery ready to really start the decorating process. i finally decided on a color (snowdrop if someone wants to head to to look) and got EVERYTHING of our old jwtmedia life out of the room to either sell, pitch, or store in the studio once we get our new ikea fixin's.
i've been painting a little at a time. mostly due to this awful back pain that seems to creep up on me about an hour after starting each time. but i'm pacing myself, not pushing too hard, and should have the whole room finished by wednesday. (minus the top edge that a very tall lovely friend is coming to do for me this weekend.) i'm being way ocd about the paint job in this room which is probably why it will take longer. but i have the "nothing is too perfect for my baby" syndrome right now so it's worth the time.
since the painting is almost done i'm now getting so excited for the actual decorating part of this room. i'm going for a vintage/handmade look with some modern prints and things thrown in. i love the nursery tours on apartment therapy/ohdeedoh when i'm looking for inspiration and diy projects. i thought i'd share a few favorites...
* love the green chest of drawers and the handmade linens here...

*isn't this a sweet room...

*check out the other photos of this room (via source link underneath). this mom has put some of the coolest thrifted/vintage children's toys and art into this nursery.

*another great room to go check out the slideshow on. beautiful color, great wall art, love the cubes with the books and toys... ahh to have more space!

*this room is a patchwork DREAM. if (WHEN) we move into our own home and if my little girl at that point would like something like this i'm at her beck and call. the patchwork wall, the quilts on the baby side, that rose wallpaper. this room has a kid's creative station that is to die for. i probably would go for a different color than pink for the solid walls (maybe a blue or a yellow!!)

* i want a yellow crib. i NEED a yellow crib. finding this room while searching around this weekend maybe made me a little crazy because it is literally the closest thing i've seen to exactly what i want for our little girl.

i probably could have posted a dozen rooms but thought i should stop there. i can't wait to really get things into the space and start making a home for baby taylor. we also really need to decide if we are going to broadcast the name or not because coming up with ways to say "our new baby" "our baby girl" "little t" etc. is getting old when we call her by her name at home. maybe we'll talk about it tonight!
i'm looking forward to a busy but creative week. i'm getting bigger and bigger so the painting has to be done soon or the process will become much more stressful as i'm sitting in a chair while joe is painting critiquing his every roller stroke, lol.
i'm looking forward to a busy but creative week. i'm getting bigger and bigger so the painting has to be done soon or the process will become much more stressful as i'm sitting in a chair while joe is painting critiquing his every roller stroke, lol.
1 comment:
I love you, dear Meredith - you will be a great mother. I am so excited for you both>
Joe's Momma
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