This LO pretty much sums it up! I know I don't have any kids, and am so very fortunate to not have to work out-of-home but man is it hard to take care of things without my best friend around! (That's you Joey... hehe.)
It all started this morning. I'm not a coffee drinker but what I look forward to most in the morning is a nice big glass of chocolate milk. So yummy! So this morning I got myself and the dogs up and out. The dogs did their thing - I came in, fed them, took my shower, and then got my glass of milk ready. Well then Roxy wanted to go back out again (she is still a baby after all) and so I had to put my glass of milk aside for the moment. When we came back in she decided that she wanted to be rowdy and started "attacking" my feet. I scolded her to stop and she then proceeded to somehow knock over my TV Table which caused the entire glass of choc. milk to spill all over the rug. AHHH! I was so mad.
I know this may not seem like a big deal. But really I was already in a sad mood due to my hubby being a million miles away and this just kinda took the cake. Well after getting it cleaned up (and dealing with Roxy peeing about a foot away from where I was cleaning - damn she goes a lot!) I decided just to deal. If I get upset about every single thing that happens in the next two weeks I'm going to be a basket case by time Joe comes home.
With all of the craziness this little Taylor clan has been getting into and is planning on getting into in the next few months I had made a promise to myself to be up and ready for whatever life throws at me and to have fun. This morning reminded me that this applies to EVERYTHING!

So back to the layout.... The lo posted above I did for the Last Scrapper Standing Round One on the 'Effers Dares site. I hope I get to move on but regardless it was fun to actually complete a challenge on time and have some fun. Whether or not I get to Round Two I can't wait to see the next challenge and play some more!
Now off to something ELSE that's transparent!
P.S. If this is my Joey... I love you babe, and me and the poopers miss you SO MUCH! I hope that you were able to get some sleep tonight after your long day of traveling. I can't wait to see some pictures and to talk to you tomorrow on IChat. Tell everyone I said hi (or at least tell the non-grumpy ones I said hi!) xoxoxo
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